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Ahmadullah Shah

(1787 – 1858) – (Uttar Pradesh)

Ahmadullah Shah (Aged 71) was born in 1787 in Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. He was known as the Maulavi of Faizabad, a famous freedom fighter, and a leader of the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Ahmadullah Shah was renowned as the Lighthouse of Rebellion in the Awadh region.

British officers such as George Bruce Malleson and Thomas Seaton made note of the courage, valor, personal and organizational capabilities of Ahmadullah. Thomas Seaton describes Ahmadullah Shah as “a man of great abilities, of undaunted courage, of stern determination, and by far the best soldier among the rebels.”

As a practicing Muslim, he was also an example of religious unity and the Ganga-Jamuna culture of Faizabad. In the rebellion of 1857, royalties such as Nana Sahib and Khan Bahadur Khan fought alongside Ahmadullah. The British were unable to capture Maulavi alive. According to G.B. Malleson, “It is beyond doubt that Moulavi’s brain and efforts were significant behind the conspiracy of the 1857 revolt. Distribution of bread during the campaigns, Chapati Movement, was actually his brainchild.”

The British announced a prize of 50,000 pieces of silver to capture Maulavi. He tried to persuade the king of Powayan, Raja Jagannath Singh, to revolt against the Britishers, but the latter did not comply with the Maulvi’s wishes. When Maulvi reached the gates of his palace on his war elephant, the king attacked him by firing a cannon shot. This killed Maulvi, who fell from his elephant on 5 June 1858, in Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.

The brother of the king of Powayan, Kunwar Baldeo Singh, killed Maulvi Ahmadullah Shah, beheaded him, and presented it to the magistrate. He was paid the announced prize and gained the favor of the British. The head of Maulvi was hanged at kotwali the next day. Another revolutionary of 1857, Fazl-e-Haq Khairabadi, witnessed the death of Maulvi. The mosque to be constructed in Ayodhya, as per the verdict of the Supreme Court of India in the Babri Masjid demolition case, will be named after Ahmadullah Shah.