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Mahadeo Vithal Paranjpye

(1902 – ★) – (Maharashtra)

Mahadeo Vithal Paranjpye born on 1902, was a prominent satyagrahi hailing from Rajapur taluka in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India. He played a pivotal role in the civil disobedience movement and actively challenged the British government’s authority through various means. Despite facing legal prosecutions and periods of incarceration, he remained steadfast in his dedication to the cause of independence. As a fearless activist, he engaged in a wide array of activities aimed at challenging the British government’s rule, which, in turn, resulted in multiple legal proceedings and imprisonments.

Even after his initial prosecution, which confined him to his village in Rajapur, Mahadeo Vithal Paranjpye was unwavering in his resolve to advance the civil disobedience movement. He defied orders that restricted his movements and traveled to various locations to display placards bearing anti-British sentiments. His bold actions garnered attention for the movement and served as an inspiration to many who were motivated to join the struggle for independence.

Mahadeo’s relentless activism eventually led to his arrest during a fair held in Madban Village. Even in the face of prosecution, he remained resolute, declaring his refusal to adhere to any notices that prohibited him from continuing his Satyagraha work. As a consequence, he was sentenced to two years of rigorous imprisonment and a fine of one hundred and fifty rupees on the 1st of February 1932.