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Mool Chand Jain

(1915 – 1997) – (Haryana)

Babu Mool Chand Jain (Aged 82) was born on August 20, 1915, in Sonepat, Haryana, India. He was often referred to as the “Gandhi of Haryana” and was a freedom fighter in the Indian independence movement. In 1939, he was seriously injured and assumed dead at the village of Asaudha in Rohtak when hundreds of volunteers of the freedom movement were attacked by the followers of Zamindara League who were armed with local metallic weapons including bhallas, barchhas, and gandasas.

He participated in the Individual Civil Disobedience Movement in 1941 and started his law practice in Karnal but continued active participation in the freedom movement. He was elected as General Secretary of the District Congress. He passed away on September 12, 1997, in Karnal, Haryana, India.