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Thandapaani Swamygal

(1839 – 1898) – (Tamilnadu)

Vannacharabam Thandapaani Swamygal (Aged 59) also known as Dandapani Swami, was born on November 28, 1839, in Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India, with the birth name Shankaralingam. His devotion to Murugan increased due to his father’s friend, Sitarama Naidu. He showed proficiency in Tamil at an early age and condemned British rule in his book “Angliyer Anthadi.” He wrote an autobiography called Gurubara Tattvam consisting of 1240 verses and composed the biographies of 72 Bulavars in 3000 songs known as Bulavar Puranam.

At the age of 8, he explained the reason for the name “Bhumi Kathal” to the goddess through Venba. He was known as Murugadasan because he sang many songs about Murugan, and Tirupupukazh Swamilam because he kept singing Tirupukazh. He wore Thiruneeru all over his mane, Kumkum on his forehead, Vadakalai Thirunam on his left shoulder, and Tenkalai Thirunam on his right shoulder. People called him “Dandapani Swami” because he crawled with Akkamani garland, foot cleaver, govanam, and spear weapon. The epithet “Vannacharapam” was added to Chanda Yap by setting up departments of content and singing songs in the name of “Vannam.”

He wrote many literatures such as Aarasakshi, Arulatsi, Thirumal Anthadi, Thirumal Ayaar, Thillai Ayaar, Sadagopar Satakkanthadi, and Arunagirinathar Puranam and sang many hymns and solos. He met Vallalar three times.

His disciples included T.M. Bhaskara Thondaiman’s father and Sankaradas Swamy, the father of Tamil drama. He emphasized women’s education, widow remarriage, non-violence, not eating grass, and Tamil consciousness in his books. He educated his wife and made her educated. It is said that he wrote 1 lakh songs on straw marks with a pen, but only 50 thousand songs are available. He passed away in 1898.