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Umashankar Pandya

(1918 – 1942) – (Maharashtra)

Umashankar Pandya (Aged 24) was born in September 1918 in the village and tehsil of Kamptee, Nagpur district. Although a resident of Kirloskarwadi in Sangli district, Maharashtra, he grew up under his parents, Revashankar Pandya and Smt. Gopti Bai. Pandya was a mechanical engineer who actively participated in the ‘Quit India’ movement that began on 8 August 1942.

He organized a public gathering and successfully hoisted the National Flag on the Mamlatdar’s office at Tasgaon on 3 September 1942. Later on 8 September 1942, he motivated his fellow factory workers to demand the British exit from India and led a march of 400 comrades to the Islampur Cutcherry.

Upon arriving, they found the Superintendent of Police and armed forces already present. Pandya tried to persuade the Superintendent not to order the firing of demonstrators, but the Superintendent refused and instead fired on Pandya, killing him on the spot. In honor of his memory, a memorial was erected in Kirloskarwadi in 1957.