Babu Ram Hari hailed from Qadian, Gurdaspur District of Punjab. He was appointed as the Editor of ‘Swarajya’ and could edit only three issues of the newspaper. He was arrested and produced before a Sessions Judge for penning three editorials that were considered ‘seditious’ by the British colonizers. As a result, he was sentenced to transportation for an aggregate term of 21 years on different counts. He was one of the few prisoners who spent the maximum term in jail.
Babu Ram Hari
Babu Ram Hari hailed from Qadian, Gurdaspur District of Punjab. He was appointed as the Editor of ‘Swarajya’ and could edit only three issues of the newspaper. He was arrested and produced before a Sessions Judge for penning three editorials that were considered ‘seditious’ by the British colonizers. As a result, he was sentenced to transportation for an aggregate term of 21 years on different counts. He was one of the few prisoners who spent the maximum term in jail.