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Jayanti Dalal

(1909 – 1970) – (Gujarart)

Jayanti Ghelabhai Dalal (Aged 61), born on November 18, 1909, was an Indian author, publisher, stage actor, director, and politician. He came from a family of theatre organizers and was involved in politics during and after India’s independence. He was influenced by socialism and Gandhian philosophy and wrote one-act plays, short stories, and edited publications.

Dalal’s father Ghelabhai was an organizer of the Deshi Natak Samaj, a theatre group, so Jayanti had his primary and secondary education at various places. He completed his matriculation in 1925 and joined Gujarat College for further studies. However, he left studies in 1930, when he was in the final year of his Bachelor of Arts degree, as he participated in the Indian independence movement. In 1939, he started a publishing house and continued publishing until his death.

He was involved in the Mahagujarat Movement in 1956, where he helped Indulal Yagnik, and he published the Navgujarat daily during that period. He was elected to the Bombay state assembly in 1957. Alongside his political career, he directed and acted in the amateur theatre group Rangmandal. Dalal is known for his one-act plays that were innovative, related to life, and filled with thoughtful and satirical dialogues. He was awarded the Ranjitram Suvarna Chandrak in 1959 and the Narmad Suvarna Chandrak for his contributions in the field of literature. He passed away by 24 August 1970.