Kargo Basar, also known as Anya Bogo, was born in the 1890s in Gori village, located in the Lepa Rada district of Arunachal Pradesh, India, to Henkar Basar and Dagbi Angu Basar. Displaying leadership qualities from a young age, Kargo quickly gained recognition as a leader within his village. In 1945, he was appointed as the Gam, or village head.
During his lifetime, Kargo was a well-travelled individual, venturing to places in Assam such as Sadiya, Dibrugarh, Tinsukia, Majonbari, Doom Dooma, and Pohumara. It was during these visits to the plains of Assam that he became aware of the freedom movement against British colonial rule led by the Congress and Mahatma Gandhi.
Kargo’s discontent with the colonial authority grew as he observed the lack of development in his own region compared to the places he had visited in Assam. He perceived this disparity as a deliberate act by the colonial authorities to keep their area underdeveloped.
Kargo actively participated as a member of the Dipa Congress Committee and played a crucial role as the Coordinator of the Dipa Congress Committee in mobilizing the people of the Basar area. According to family accounts, Kargo had recently lost his young wife when he was arrested by the colonial authorities due to his involvement in the Congress movement.
Kargo Basar
(1890 – ★) – (Arunachal Pradesh)
Kargo Basar, also known as Anya Bogo, was born in the 1890s in Gori village, located in the Lepa Rada district of Arunachal Pradesh, India, to Henkar Basar and Dagbi Angu Basar. Displaying leadership qualities from a young age, Kargo quickly gained recognition as a leader within his village. In 1945, he was appointed as the Gam, or village head.
During his lifetime, Kargo was a well-travelled individual, venturing to places in Assam such as Sadiya, Dibrugarh, Tinsukia, Majonbari, Doom Dooma, and Pohumara. It was during these visits to the plains of Assam that he became aware of the freedom movement against British colonial rule led by the Congress and Mahatma Gandhi.
Kargo’s discontent with the colonial authority grew as he observed the lack of development in his own region compared to the places he had visited in Assam. He perceived this disparity as a deliberate act by the colonial authorities to keep their area underdeveloped.
Kargo actively participated as a member of the Dipa Congress Committee and played a crucial role as the Coordinator of the Dipa Congress Committee in mobilizing the people of the Basar area. According to family accounts, Kargo had recently lost his young wife when he was arrested by the colonial authorities due to his involvement in the Congress movement.