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Kartar Singh Sarabha

(1896 – 1915) – (Punjab)

Kartar Singh Sarabha (Aged 19) was born in 1896 in Sarabha, Ludhiana district, Punjab, India. Despite being the youngest of all Ghadar party members, he became immortal for sacrificing his life at a very young age for the Indian freedom struggle.

In 1912, when the Ghadar party was formed, Kartar joined them. However, when he moved to the University of California at Berkeley, he immediately stopped his studies to become a helpmate to Lala Hardayal for running the party efficiently. He also composed poetry and articles for the party’s paper during his time there.

In 1914, Kartar Singh returned to India to establish a strong center similar to the Yugantar Ashram of California. Along with other revolutionaries, he visited various cantonments across the nation and successfully manufactured bombs on a small scale in Ludhiana district. However, just before the planned revolt in 1915, a massive search was done on all Ghadar members, forcing Kartar Singh, along with Jagat Singh and Harnam Singh, to escape to Kabul.

They soon came back to continue their campaign, but unfortunately, they were arrested in the Lahore conspiracy, and he was sentenced to death. On 16 November 1915, he breathed his last. Bhagat Singh was inspired by him and followed in his footsteps. At just 19 years old, Kartar Singh martyred himself for the sake of the country’s freedom.