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P. Ansari Doraisamy

(1906 – 1994) – (Puducherry)

Ansari Doraisamy (Aged 88) was born on 22 July 1906, son of Periasami Naicker. He studied French at College Colonial Education in Puducherry from 1922-25. He closely involved himself with the nationalist agenda and practiced Gandhian ideals in all the leading agitations from 1930 onwards.

Despite taking an anti-communist stand, as the leader of the liberation struggle, he had to encounter a number of trials and brutal assaults at the hands of the colonial power. He was the founder member of the French Indian National Congress and held the esteemed position of its Secretary during 1948-49. He organized and participated in agitations, processions, and hurdles for the liberation of Puducherry from French rule, and as a result, was arrested and assaulted by the French police.

Ansari Doraisamy lost his hard-earned property at a big price for his nationalist activities. He was one of the illustrious sons of Puducherry town and was given a State Award for his role in the freedom movement. He passed away on 27 April 1994.