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Pa Togan Sangma

(★ – 1872) – (Meghalaya)

Pa Togan Sangma, also known as Togan Sangma or Pa Togan Nengminja Sangma, was a prominent leader of the Garo tribe from Garo hills, Meghalaya, in North East India.

In 1872, during the British occupation of Garo Hills, the British sent out battalions to establish their control in the region. The Garo warriors confronted them with their spears, swords, and shields, and a fierce battle ensued as the Garos did not have guns or mortars like the British Army. Pa Togan Sangma, along with other warriors, attacked the British officials while they were sleeping during their occupation of the region.

Despite being ill-equipped, he came up with the innovative idea of using huge shields made of plantain stems that could stop bullets from hitting the Garo warriors. However, he fell fighting with unmatched heroism and courage on December 12, 1872. Pa Togan Sangma is immortalized in the martyr’s column in Shillong, and he is remembered by the people of Garo Hills and the state on December 12 every year as a brave hero.