Raje Shirke, a resident of Satara in Maharashtra, organized an armed resistance against the British during the Uprising of 1857. He led the rebels in Satara to attack British establishments and incited his neighborhood to take up arms in support of the rebels’ cause. He even attempted to persuade some of the native rulers, such as the Maharaja of Gwalior and Maharaja of Indore, to join the rebel cause. However, he was captured by the British and tried for treason and rebellion. He was initially sentenced to death, but his sentence was later commuted to transportation for life, and he was sent to the Andaman Islands where he died in detention.
Raje Shirke Ambajee
Raje Shirke, a resident of Satara in Maharashtra, organized an armed resistance against the British during the Uprising of 1857. He led the rebels in Satara to attack British establishments and incited his neighborhood to take up arms in support of the rebels’ cause. He even attempted to persuade some of the native rulers, such as the Maharaja of Gwalior and Maharaja of Indore, to join the rebel cause. However, he was captured by the British and tried for treason and rebellion. He was initially sentenced to death, but his sentence was later commuted to transportation for life, and he was sent to the Andaman Islands where he died in detention.