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Sa. Ganesan

(1908 – 1982) – (Tamilnadu)

Saminatha Ganesan (Aged 74) was born on June 6th, 1908, in Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India. He was a Tamil Nadu politician, social worker, and sculptor known as Kambanadipodi S. Ganesan, involved in Tamil. He created the Karaikudi Kamban Kazhagam and guided the formation of the Kamban Kazhagam in many parts of Tamil Nadu.

Sa. Ganesan was actively involved in the Indian War of Independence since 1936. He participated in the Individual Satyagraha held in 1941 and trekked from Karaikudi to Delhi as part of the Achchatiyagraha. He was arrested and imprisoned at Alipore in Uttar Pradesh after covering 586 miles in 66 days.

He also led the Quit India movement that took place in 1942 in the Chetti Nadu area. He went from village to village in disguise and incited people to join the struggle. When the government discovered him that day, they issued an order to shoot him and looted his house. He accepted the advice of his political mentor Rajagopalachari and surrendered to the Chennai Police Commissioner. As a result, he was sentenced to 18 months in Alipore Jail. Sa. Ganesan passed away on July 28th, 1982.