Vasu Edakulathu hailed from Alappuzha district in Kerala. He was involved in the Olathala Camp Firing incident that occurred on 27 October 1946 in Vayalar. On that day, C.P. Ramaswamy’s army arrived at the Olathala Labour Camp, attacked the laborers gathered there, and shot Edakulathu dead on the spot.
Vasu Edakulathu
(★ – 1946) – (Kerala)
Vasu Edakulathu hailed from Alappuzha district in Kerala. He was involved in the Olathala Camp Firing incident that occurred on 27 October 1946 in Vayalar. On that day, C.P. Ramaswamy’s army arrived at the Olathala Labour Camp, attacked the laborers gathered there, and shot Edakulathu dead on the spot.