Vegesna Balarama Raju hailed from Ganapavaram village in the Bhimavaram taluka of West Godavari district in Andhra Pradesh. He was a 22-year-old Kshatriya who participated in the Satyagraha held in Bhimavaram on 17 June 1930, as part of the Civil Disobedience Movement against British rule.
For his anti-British activities, he was arrested and sentenced to six months’ imprisonment. Initially, he was detained at the Rajahmundry Central Jail for a month before being transferred to the Alipuram Camp Jail, where he contracted an incurable disease during his two-month stay. Despite his failing health, the authorities released him on 5 December 1930 instead of the scheduled 17 December 1930. He returned home on 7 December 1930, but sadly passed away at 12 p.m. on 19 December 1930.
Vegesna Balarama Raju
(★ – 1930) – (Andhra Pradesh)
Vegesna Balarama Raju hailed from Ganapavaram village in the Bhimavaram taluka of West Godavari district in Andhra Pradesh. He was a 22-year-old Kshatriya who participated in the Satyagraha held in Bhimavaram on 17 June 1930, as part of the Civil Disobedience Movement against British rule.
For his anti-British activities, he was arrested and sentenced to six months’ imprisonment. Initially, he was detained at the Rajahmundry Central Jail for a month before being transferred to the Alipuram Camp Jail, where he contracted an incurable disease during his two-month stay. Despite his failing health, the authorities released him on 5 December 1930 instead of the scheduled 17 December 1930. He returned home on 7 December 1930, but sadly passed away at 12 p.m. on 19 December 1930.