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Vullengala Chandrayya

(★ – 1946) – (Telangana)

Vullengala Chandrayya hailed from the village of Aknoor, taluka Jangaon, Dist. Warangal, Telangana, India. He was a carpenter by profession and the son of Sivalingam. Chandrayya’s testimony in a court of law exposed the atrocities committed by the Razakars and the Nizam’s police against the villagers of Aknoor. As a result of his testimony, the Razakars and the Nizam’s police sought vengeance on Chandrayya and eight other villagers.

In August 1946, the Razakars and the Nizam’s police raided Aknoor village and shot Chandrayya dead along with the other villagers who had testified against them.